
Women’s Association

Neighborhood Welcome Club

Groundswork Volunteers


RMCG Women’s Association

Gather with the ladies of the neighborhood to visit local music venues, try new restaurants, or just simply hang out. The RMCG Women’s Association meets once a month and is all about being social and getting to know your fellow female neighbors. If you’re new to the neighborhood, reach out to the group on Facebook about when and where the next meeting will occur.

RMCG Women’s Association Facebook Group

When we’re not meeting in the neighborhood, we occasionally plan fun outings like arts and crafts at Eye Candy Art Studio in Downtown Duluth.

When we’re not meeting in the neighborhood, we occasionally plan fun outings like arts and crafts at Eye Candy Art Studio in Downtown Duluth.

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Neighborhood Welcome Club

We know moving is tough, but it’s even harder when you’ve just arrived in a new area. That’s why we’ve created the RMCG Neighborhood Welcome Club; to show some hospitality when you join our community. A representative should drop by soon with some information about the area, a City of Duluth trash bag (they’ll explain why that’s important), a yummy treat from Downtown Duluth, and a smile. Have you lived here for a while and no one has come to visit? Shoot an e-mail to, and we will get someone to you shortly. Welcome to Rogers Mill & Carriage Gate!

Are you interested in being a member of the Neighborhood Welcome club? Ask for Taylor Housworth via

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Groundswork Volunteers Club

We all want to live in a nice place, but as a homeowner, you know that things can get out of control if they’re not cared for. A lot of work is necessary to maintain a healthy looking neighborhood, and some of us even enjoy that work. That’s why we have the RMCG Groundswork Volunteer Club. Neighbors offer their time, energy, and creativity to specific areas of the neighborhood to keep them looking beautiful.

Have you seen a common area that you want to give a little love to? Contact Peter Aheidenreich to see what improvements you can make.

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